Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Category :
pancreatic cancer treatment
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment In India For International Patients
... announced that it has received FDA approval to begin phase II trials for ArchexinÃâ , its leading cancer compound, for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment In India At Low Cost.
Scientists discover that by treating pancreatic cancer patients with a combination therapy of chemotherapy, biotherapy and radiotherapy prior to surgery a patient ...
Pancreatic Cancer Cannot Be Successfully Treated With Chinese ...
A surgeon from Australia has begun a research project to try and discover more about how tumours linked to pancreatic cancer develop.
Pancreatic Cancer Patients Find Promising Treatment That Diminishes
In later stages it becomes much more complicated to treat. The survival rate of the patient increases if the cancer is treated in the early stages. Pancreatic cancer ...
Pancreatic Cancer Symptoms
Pancreatic cancer, which has been linked as a severe side effect among Byetta consumption, has recently found a potential treatment that promises to diminish ...
Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
The pancreas is an organ in the upper abdomen located beneath the stomach and adjacent to the first portion of the small intestine, called the duodenum.
Alternative Pancreatic Cancer Treatment - 2 Methods
Pancreatic cancer is the cancer of the pancreas, a 6-inch organ located in the upper abdomen responsible for producing enzymes and hormones. Enzymes are ...
Pancreatic Cancer Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prognosis
Pancreas in located in the upper abdomen. Pancreas contains glands that are responsible for various body functions like secretion of insulin that controls the sugar level in blood apart from using sugar as a energy source. Pancreas also secretes glands that help in digestion of food. A cancerous growth around pancreas is termed as pancreatic cancer.
Combination Of Therapies May Successfully Treat Pancreatic Cancer
Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are mainly used for palliative purposes in pancreatic cancer. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are usually combined with surgery, the main modality of treatment, in pancreatic cancer management. Pancreatic cancer cells are highly resistant to chemotherapy drugs.
Rexahn Initiates Phase Ii Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trial
Pancreatic cancer treatment depends very much upon the stage and location of the tumor, as well upon other factors such as age and overall health. The main goal of pancreatic cancer treatment is to entirely eliminating the cancer. As occurs so often in pancreatic cancer treatment in many cases this is just not possible so focus must be switched to preventing the pancreatic cancer from growing and causing more harm.