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liver cancer symptoms 373

Posted on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 | 2 Comments

Liver Cancer Symptoms - What to Look For & How it is Diagnosed

Liver Cancer Symptoms - What to Look For & How it is Diagnosed
Find out about liver cancer
Advanced Liver Cancer Symptoms
Advanced Liver Cancer Symptoms
Liver cancer is caused by the abnormal growth of cells originating in the liver area. When we look at our liver, it is the size of a football and it is at the upper right region of your abdomen. It is in between the diaphragm and the stomach.
Liver Cancer - Symptoms and Risk Factors
Liver Cancer - Symptoms and Risk Factors
Liver cancer also known as primary or metastatic hepatic carcinoma is a fairly rare form of cancer in the western world (1% of all cancers) but much more common in Africa and parts of Asia (10% to 50% of all cancers). It is much more prevalent in men and incidence increases with age. Liver cancer is rapidly fatal, usually within 6 months from gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hepatic failure or metastasis.
Liver Cancer Symptoms
Liver Cancer Symptoms
Liver cancer is more common than benign tumors and you must have the knowledge about this in order to know what you can do to prevent it or manage and treat it. It can be linked to a lot of risk factors that can be prevented.
Liver Cancer Symptoms - Summary of Prognosis and Alternative Treatments
Liver Cancer Symptoms - Summary of Prognosis and Alternative Treatments
Liver cancer symptoms are the most basic parameters confirming presence of cancerous cells and tumors in liver areas. Early signs also prompt a person to carry further diagnosis and help in early identification and tracing of cancerous polyps.
Liver Cancer Early Signs and Symptoms
Liver Cancer Early Signs and Symptoms
Many years ago, and still in some European countries, the liver is actively considered with such comments as "I think that I have a cold on my liver". Now, we scarcely consider our liver, which is one of the very vital organs of our body, making up to 20% of our body weight.
Fundamental Facts of Liver Cancer
Fundamental Facts of Liver Cancer
Liver Cancer is a fatal disease and unlike other forms of cancer, gets detected at a comparatively later stage. It is thus also referred to as a silent form of Cancer. Chances of survival in the case of Liver Cancer are limited and almost all affected people pass away within a year.
Liver Cancer - Incidence, Symptoms, Causation, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prognosis
Liver Cancer - Incidence, Symptoms, Causation, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prognosis
Hepatocellular carcinoma or primary liver cancer or is a type of cancer that begins in the liver cells. Liver cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. It is a lethal cancer that will kill majority of diagnosed patients within a year.
Liver Cancer Symptoms: Understanding the Condition
Liver Cancer Symptoms: Understanding the Condition
Liver cancer attacks the healthy cells of the liver that is hard to detect early. The prognosis for liver cancer is quite grim because it often show no symptoms.
Liver Cancer
Liver Cancer
If there's one hindrance when it comes to avoiding liver cancer, it's that liver cancer symptoms can be difficult to detect. This is because they are actually quite diverse. Since the liver is one of the largest organs in the body, anything that may cause it to shut down will affect the rest of the organs.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes, you are right. Many patients also think that they have a cold on their liver. Everybody should know more about the liver cancer symptoms which helps them avoid the cancer too. Some times, when the patient has the advanced liver cancer, only the living donor liver transplantation can help them.


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